You will meet your anaesthetist before your procedure. Most patients will see their anaesthetist in hospital on the day of their procedure, often shortly before they receive their anaesthetic.

If your anaesthetist needs to perform a complete preoperative assessment we will contact you to arrange a time to meet or more commonly perform a consultation over the phone or via telehealth. This is usually for more complicated operations, but also for patients with significant medical conditions or who have particular concerns about the operation or anaesthetic. Please have have a list of your medications (including over-the-counter / herbal) as well as a health summary from your local doctor.

Your anaesthetist will discuss options for anaesthesia and pain relief, order tests or refer you to other specialists for an opinion if necessary.

Children & Special Needs
You know your child best. If you wish to flag any behavioural issues, or concerns you have had with your child’s previous anaesthetics, please contact us. Your anaesthetist will either call you in the days leading up to coming to hospital or devise a plan with you and your child on the day of the procedure.